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Charter of Corporate Behavior We, the officers and employees of Shikoku Electric Wire, commit to the following principles: 1. We strictly comply with national and international laws and regulations, uphold social standards and ethics, and act with integrity. 2. We promote fair, transparent, free competition and proper business practices, build partnerships with relevant parties, and establish relationships of coexistence and co-prosperity. 3. We aim to achieve sustainable growth by providing excellent products and services that are useful, safe satisfying to society. 4. We respond resolutely to anti-social forces that threaten social order and safety. 5. We respect the culture and customs of countries and regions, contributing to economic and social development. 6. We protect human rights and create a healthy and vibrant working environment. We respect the individuality of employees, support career development, and encourage progression.

Guidelines for Action

Compliance with laws and regulations

  1. 1.We thoroughly understand the content of the relevant laws and regulations, ensuring obtain appropriate permits and carry out necessary notifications. We also comply strictly with the law and avoid any breach of the law.
  2. 2.We request strict compliance with laws and regulations from our suppliers, contractors, and collaborators companies. We provide guidance for improvement as needed.
  3. 3.We follow the rules and regulations regarding donations and party ticket purchases related to political activities, in accordance with the Political Funds Control Act and other regulations.
  4. 4.We refrain from providing monetary benefits, improper hospitality, or gifts to public officials or quasi-public employees.

Fair Transactions

  1. 5.We do not offer excessive hospitality or gifts to customers, business partners, etc.
  2. 6.We do not accept hospitality or gifts from suppliers, contractors, or collaborating companies.
  3. 7.We strictly avoid engaging in transactions related to cartels or bid-rigging.
  4. 8.We do not engage in unfair transactions through the abuse of a dominant bargaining position.
  5. 9.We always engage in fair and free competition between companies.
  6. 10.We take care not to violate laws and regulations in our dealings with contractors and partners and will conduct proper contracts and transactions.

Product reliability and safety

  1. 11.We offer superior products that are not only useful and safe but also provide satisfaction to our customers.
  2. 12.We recognize the importance of protecting the global environment, comply with environmental laws and regulations, and manufacture products that are considerate of the global environment.
  3. 13.We continue to work to reduce the generation of hazardous chemicals, industrial waste, and greenhouse gases, and to conserve energy.
  4. 14.We properly manage the collection, transport, and disposal of industrial waste, and regularly conduct guidance and audits for contractors.

Social Order and Safety

  1. 15.We take a firm stance against anti-social forces.
  2. 16.We strive to arrange a safe and healthy working environment.
  3. 17.We ensure appropriate employment and employment management in accordance with labor regulations and rules.

Respect for culture and customs, protection of human rights

  1. 18.We respect the human rights of all individuals and do not engage in unreasonable irrational discrimination or harassment.
  2. 19.We do not allow child labor or forced labor.
  3. 20.We strive to improve morals and not engage in any form of harassment.
  4. 21.We respect the rights of other companies and do not engage in any actions that unjustly infringe upon them.
  5. 22.We create educational opportunities for all employees.
  6. 23.We respect individuality and support career development and advancement.